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Planning Task 3

Costume Plan


Planning Task 1

Initial Ideas

Planning Task 2

Film Company

Initial Planning Ideas
Costume Plan
Film Company

Planning Task 4

Location shoot


The photos in the location shoot are of an abandoned building found in Ashton Court. The abandoned building is the main area of filming as it creates an enigma and builds tension in the opening sequence. 


There is also an outhouse type building near the location we chose. This could be used dependent of safety in the larger building. Also, the shot at the beginning of the PhotoPeach displays an idea for an establishing shot we could use, along with some others of our photos taken.

Location Shoot

Planning Task 5

location footage 

Location Footage

Planning Task 6

Props Plan

Props Plan

Planning Task 7

Schedule of Film and editing

Planning Task 8


Planning Task 9

Shot List 

planning Task 10


This is Business - Script

Protagonist walks into shot, through a door. At this point the camera cuts to a close up of his feet walking over broken glass and rubbish.


Protagonist walks into a large, empty room with another male strapped to a chair in the middle. Two henchman stand behind the chair.


Slowly walks towards the man sat on chair. Time seems to slow as shot changes to Point of view shot of antagonist. The antagonist’s view tilts upwards from the protagonist’s feet towards his head. The shot is held for a while.


Protagonist: This is business! (Said slowly, with sinister undertones)


Protagonist goes on the hit the antagonist in the chair. As a result the antagonist falls to the floor.


View again changes to point of view shot from antagonist. He’s staring up towards the protagonist. He and his henchman walk out towards the exit.

planning Task 11

Title Planning

Planning Task 12

Music plan

Draft 1 - Abdoulgani
Draft 2 - Abdoulgani
Draft 3 - Abdoulgani
Final Draft - Abdoulgani

The third draft - In this track, we have added in the blowing wind sound and we have also added in footsteps.

In our final track, we have the faded music the blowing wind sound and the footsteps but we've also overlapped the music and the footsteps as it blended nicely also we have added a fade at the start of the footsteps and at the end .

First draft

​Second draft - In this track we have added in a fade at the start and at the end.


For our music we have used the violin, drum bass as the main music but we have also added in the sound of the wind blowing and footsteps. The reason we have gone for instrumental music is down to not having any dialogue in our film opening apart from the one line which is “This is Business” so we don't want to ruin the only dialogue we have with music with lyrics. Also, the reason we have added the sound of the wind blowing (at the start before music begins) is to help set the sense alongside the establishing shot that will be present this primarily to highlight that the area that we have set it in is cold and eerie. When we constructed the music we listened back and ended up improving the track for example when we decided to a to add a fade at the beginning and at the end we did this because the fade gave the track some suspense as it slowly builds up and we also added the fade to the footsteps as it signifies that the person is slowly getting closer.

Planning Task 14



After revisiting my survey and looking for what my audience want from me to produce I have found that the majority are male and like gangster films that contain violence also they want music that has a sense of tension building up. As I now know what my audience want I have a good idea on how to construct my film opening and what key things to include. After we finished our pitch we were asked questions about our pitch and we were advised to have some sort of background story being a flashback so the audience doesn't get lost with our storyline as it does start at the end. 

Filming Schedule
Shot List
Title Planning
Music Plan
Risk Assesment
Shot List

Establishing Shot - Establishing shot of a busy city first; Bristol; from afar. This is then followed by an establishing shot of the abandoned building.


Long Shot - Long shot of Alberto in the woods walking towards the building. Alberto is wearing a suit and smart shoes. This is when we are introduced to Alberto.


Close up - Close up of Alberto's feet walking into the building.


Point of view - Point of view shot from antagonist as Alberto stands in front of him. The camera tilts up as looks at Alberto in the face.


Two Shot - Two shot of Alberto and antagonist, who is tied in the chair. This shot displays the relationship between the two, and how the feud has only just began.


Close Up - Close up of hammer in Alberto's hand. This again contributes to the enigmatic atmosphere and slowly builds tension.


Extreme Close Up - Extreme close up of Alberto's eyes show the level of anger he has.


Point of View Shot - Point of view shot from antagonists view as Alberto hits him with the hammer. The Shot ends just before the hammer hits him.

Planning Task 13

Health and safety plan

JOsh Dyer

St. Katherines School

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