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Task 1

In what ways does your film use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real films?

Question 1​

Task 1
Task 2

Question 2

Question 3

Task 3

During Research Task 11 I set out what I thought the target audience of my film would be. During this i said that the target audience would most likely be males aged 18 to 25. This is because males are more likely to watch and enjoy a more violence orientated crime film, which ours was going to be. Also, we said the specified ages because these are the ages most likely to visit the cinema, due to them having the most disposable income. Also, people these ages will be more accustomed to and accommodating towards violence than those of older ages.


We feel we met the criteria in our opening for this target audience, both with what they would enjoy to watch and what the BBFC set as criteria for age certificates. We aimed to meet the guidelines of the certificate 15, therefore possibly extending our target audience to 16-25.

Audience Reaction

After uploading our film opening onto our blogs and asking many people of the target audience group we got many replies about our opening. These included:


“The opening built up tension very well, giving away enough to engage the audience, without divulging the story”


“The voice over at the start set a clear atmosphere that was maintained throughout the opening. This was done with the background noises, as well as the overall colour of the scene.”


“The opening was very tense, making it very clear it was a crime film. However, more shots could’ve been used, and then it could have been quicker cuts”


Overall, we can say that our film successfully attracted the target audience that was predetermined before the construction of the film began. 


From these responses it was clear that the way the film was constructed, generated a very tense atmosphere. This is what we were hoping would happen as it is a convention of the crime genre and is used to capture the attention of an audience.


The general reaction was that it engaged the audience so well, that most would want to continue watching if they could have. Part of the way we aimed to build tension was to make the audience incapable of recognising who the antagonist and protagonist are., therefore adding to the enigma of the opening.


The responses have also displayed the importance of music and the mise en scene of the shots. 

Question 6

Task 4 & 5
Task 6

Question 4 & 5

Question 7

Task 7

JOsh Dyer

St. Katherines School

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